What’s Causing The Loud Buzzing Noise Coming From my Fridge?

loud buzzing noise from fridge

Considering just how much we all depend on our refrigerators, it’s no wonder even the smallest problem or strange sound can cause anyone to worry. If your fridge has suddenly started making a loud buzzing noise, there are a few possible causes. Here are some tips on what you can look for before calling a technician.

Buzzing Coming from the Exterior

If the buzzing sound is coming from the outside of the fridge, it could be due to something as simple as a loose panel. It could also be due to items stacked on top of the fridge that are vibrating due to the vibrations of the motor. Even magnets on the exterior of your fridge can make a buzzing noise as the motor sends slight vibrations throughout the appliance. You can test these theories by pressing the various panels to make them stop vibrating. If this stops the sound, then you have located the source of the noise.

Buzzing at the Bottom

If the buzzing noise seems to be coming from the bottom of the fridge, it could be due to the fact that the appliance has not been properly balanced. Inspect all of the legs of the fridge and make sure that they are all firmly on the ground. Even if one is just slightly raised off the ground, this can cause a noise. You can also gently tip the fridge in different directions to find out which leg is most likely at fault. Another potential cause is the drip pan. If the pan shifts, it might no longer rest in the proper position. As the motor vibrates, it can make the pan vibrate and this will make a buzzing noise. Fortunately, all you need to do in this case is move the pan back into place.

Buzzing inside your Fridge

If you have a self-defrost fridge with an ice maker, you may notice periodic buzzing. The ice maker may hum as the water valves open to refill the ice tray. When the ice maker is on but there is no water supply, this may also cause a buzzing sound. If you have a self-defrost model, the water will drip down onto the heated coils. This will not be a constant sound but rather an intermittent buzzing for as long as the cycle lasts.

Buzzing Sound behind the Fridge

If the fridge is older, the compressor may start to make a buzzing noise. In some cases, this buzzing noise can last for years before the compressor finally gives in. However, in other cases the compressor may only start buzzing days before it breaks down. There is no way of predicting how long the compressor will last once the buzzing begins. If this is the cause of the noise, it’s best to call a technician right away.

Whenever you notice that your fridge is making a buzzing noise or any other strange sounds, you can try inspecting the appliance yourself. If you are unable to locate the source of the noise or if you suspect a problem such as a faulty compressor, it’s best to call a technician. For professional refrigerator repairs, contact Max Appliance Repair at (604) 229-4068.

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